Monday, June 29, 2020

The translation industry and the evolving global marketing landscape

Take a look at some interesting figures that the recent past has dealt with. A survey by research firm Common Sense Advisory found that 63 percent of global brands have reached more customers recently through an increase in the number of languages ​​on their sites.

Localization has become the fourth fastest growing industry in the United States according to the Center for Next Generation Localization.

If we look at what the US Census Bureau has compiled, at least 350 languages ​​are spoken in American homes. This is just a clue to the influx of multilingual influence than other regions of the world have adopted.

How can a brand not apply an English to Spanish translator when targeting a Spanish customer looking for a product on the SEO list? Would this user not go beyond the mark if it does not appear in a multilingual format on mobile devices, websites and SEO lists?

Why does a brand use French for English translation services? To make sure a potential user doesn't dissolve in the air just because the brand content wasn't served in a more pleasant language? However, despite these multilingual winds, today, approx. 53.6 percent of web content is in English.

Brands need to adapt to this new multilingual and truly global world. And some of the smart ones are already adapting very well.
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The increase in the number of LSPs (language providers) to 18,000 companies worldwide is a sufficient indication, according to Common Sense Advisory.

These language translation services may offer a specific segment or service, such as translation, localization or interpretation, or they may provide a number of accessory features such as full-service providers. These LSPs would cover everything from translation, interpretation, web content, audio and video content features, publishing and narration to machine translation, transcription, localization, localization technology, and so on.

Developed with a rich group of professionals rather than just freelancers; and helped with cutting-edge technology and offerings stemming from innovation; These LSPs are mapping out a new path of solutions that brands benefit from with excellent results.

Overall, the translation industry has seen a growth of 6.46 percent recently, and travel becomes more interesting for each quarter.

Brands and companies are potentially raising huge new needs and opportunities in many areas. Mobile devices, video content, subtitles, instruction manuals, application location, software interfaces and many other future areas are filled with a new level of demand and appetite.

It's a time of plenty of opportunity, but it's also time for the right set of services to play. Low and below standard work can serve a small segment without a precise strategy, but for a wealth of brands or marketers, a full spectrum offering is needed with rich expertise. Using professional language translation services will make the translation really worthwhile.

It is a global world and not only brands in existing web media, brand guarantees and advertising need support from translation expertise, but also brands that are about to be born or are incorporating extensions such as applications, mobility or IoT in an unprecedented way .

Providers of language translations with the right resources, skills and experience can push the handle in the right direction. They can bridge the gap between companies and customers in the new era, wherever they are: on a website, on a road, at a time, on a mobile app or just Google for a rival brand. .

Translation is not a quick fix, but a deep and comprehensive branding strategy for the new millennium. There is no way to cut corners or make it lazy. Make it the best in the industry as this can define the future of your brand in foreign markets.

For more information click here

Helpful Hints When Choosing Spanish Translation Services

Are you interested in Spanish translation services? In this case, you have more options because many organizations provide this particular service. Let me share some important things to keep in mind before deciding which one is best for your needs.

Spanish is a language spoken by a large number of people. But don't be fooled, because despite its wide use, it is easy to get a high quality Spanish translator. Focusing on word quality here makes all the difference. There are, of course, several Spanish translation services on the Internet, from freelancers to large companies. Again, the operative word here is quality.

When you want an expertly translated document, go to the professionals. This is not to break down freelancers and budding translation experts. But here's the truth, when you want security, you have experience and knowledge. Finding the best Spanish translation company requires you to look at their record. More than just how many documents have been translated; These are the satisfied customers they have managed to maintain over the years.

Response time is also an important factor in choosing the right company. Your business does not stop simply because you wait for documents to be translated. In fact, the translation company must take this important fact into account. A fast response time is important, but without sacrificing the quality of output.

It is quite easy to find an accurate translation. However, getting a translation that can really incorporate the country's culture is a whole other matter. Local speakers and translators are a better option than hiring someone who simply knows the language. Get your message across and catch the attention of your target niche. Speak in your language more than just words, but also in style and tone.

Think about the experience. The level of experience a Spanish translator has in business can seriously affect factors, including the fees they charge. So if you have a tight budget, you may need to consider selecting translators with far less experience. But if the language translation is for vital purposes, think of an "expert" translator. This will help ensure that the translation of the document is as appropriate as possible. This is undoubtedly a crucial issue if the Spanish translation is intended for legal or governmental requirements
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What is the price really? It is one of the important steps to take before deciding on a particular Spanish translator. Businesses usually charge their customers based on the number of words they want to interpret. So always try to find the cheapest price? While this strategy may seem practical, it actually depends on the caliber of the language translation you are looking for. The "you get what you pay for" guideline is often used. If you decide to choose a cheaper language translation company, chances are you will get a lower caliber translation as well. Make sure you choose your budget so you don't pay more than you can actually afford.

Ask for reputation. When choosing a particular company that translates Spanish, think about the reliability of the company. You really don't have to be the oldest or leading language translation organization in the industry. But you need to do a few tasks to find out how satisfied or dissatisfied previous customers have been with providers. You are likely to discover some criticism online, including reviews from previous customers. If there are some frustrated customers, that's one thing. If there are 1 or 2 satisfied customers, it's something else entirely. Then try to find realistic reviews.